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3-stone-rings-1Three-stone diamond rings are the most popular diamond anniversary rings. The three-stone “past, present, future” rings has become an increasingly popular choice for brides-to-be. Sales of the 3-stone diamond rings where a larger diamond is flanked by slightly smaller ones, now account for more than one of every 10 diamond rings sold.

3-stone-princessWhere the center diamond is a little larger than the side diamonds, there really are no rules for what shape of diamonds can be used and what size is best. The 3-stone ring is truly one piece of diamond jewelry where you need to rely on what looks best to your eyes.

radiant-yellow-emerald-sidesColored diamonds are becoming very popular and some, like the Fancy Yellow, are quite affordable. As a result, some gals are selection a Fancy Yellow center diamond or a pair of Fancy Yellow side stones to have a stunning ring.

Colored gemstones like the sapphire are also popular for side stones in 3-stone diamond rings.

There is a wide variety of three-stone diamonds rings options open to you. Here are some of the most common diamond shape combinations for three stone rings. For each of the most popular center stone shapes, we have listed the recommendations for the side stone shapes.

Asscher Three Stone Rings


Cushion Three Stone Rings


Emerald Three Stone Rings


Heart Three Stone Rings


Marquise Three Stone Rings


Oval Three Stone Rings


Pear Three Stone Ring


Princess Three Stone Rings


Radiant Three Stone Rings


Round Three Stone Rings


Branded Shape Three Stone Rings



Here are some guidelines and rules of thumb for three-stone diamond rings.

  • The side stone color should be within one color grade of the center diamond. Some brilliant cut side stones appear brighter than others so take this into account for color grade selections for your three-stone diamond ring.
  • Focus on size of your side stones, not the carat weight. For many side stone shapes, a good rule of thumb is that the width of the side stone should be 2/3 to 3/4 the size of the center stone. Of course your personal preference for your three-stone ring should be the deciding factor.
  • When the human eye looks at a three-stone diamond ring, it tends to see the entire ring and the proportions of all three stones rather than focus on the size of the center stone. With a solitaire setting, you focus on the size of the single diamond but with a 3-stone ring your eye will have a hard time focusing on the size of the center stone. This means you can probably help your budget by getting a little less carat weight for your center stone and nobody will see the difference.
  • Because smaller diamonds are less expensive per carat than larger diamonds, the dollars you spend on side stones for a 3-stone diamond ring will result in much more diamond across her finger than simply adding those dollars to the center stone. Some side stone shapes are cut with less depth than many center stone shapes and thus have more surface area than other shapes for the same carat weight. Three stone diamond rings are a great way to get the most diamond sparkle for your budget dollars.

If you are not sure of what type of 3-stone diamond ring you would like or have questions about the best size of side stones for your three-stone diamond ring, give us a call today (888-477-8385). We would be happy to answer your three-stone ring questions and can get your price quotes for even the hardest to find matched side stones.